速報APP / 生產應用 / PPT and Whiteboard Sharing

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:101 Main Street #2385 Setauket, NY 11733

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖1)-速報App

MightyMeeting is the best way to share presentations, videos, interactive applications, and drawings in the classroom, meeting room, and online.

PowerPoint presentations and PDF documents can be stored in your private and secure online content repository, downloaded to your Android tablet, and opened anywhere, even when your device is not connected to the Internet.

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖2)-速報App

You can quickly switch between presentations or jump to any slide in a presentation. You can annotate slides with drawings. You can also create an interactive whiteboard and use it to draw diagrams or write mathematical equations.

Content, applications, and drawings can be shared in online meetings. A meeting attendee can join via tablet, phone, or any other device with a web browser. At the end of a meeting, you can email slides, annotations, and drawings as a PDF document.

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖3)-速報App

Here are just a few ways to use MightyMeeting:

-Open a sales presentation and share it with a prospect locally or remotely

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖4)-速報App

-Take turns presenting slides and drawings in a team meeting

-Brainstorm on product design ideas by drawing on a shared whiteboard

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖5)-速報App

-Control slides remotely and share the whiteboard in a boardroom meeting

-Share mathematical formulas and diagrams with fellow researchers

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖6)-速報App

-Teach a class remotely and share slides and drawings with your students

Use MightyMeeting today to engage your audience and transform a one-way presentation into a collaborative experience. Make Every Meeting a Mighty Meeting.

PPT and Whiteboard Sharing(圖7)-速報App